The Best Herbs

I have tried several sexual enhancers to boost my libido level and increase my sexual urge which has worked perfectly for me.

Independent selection

On my website, you will find an independent list of herbal enhancers I have tried and can recommend you to buy.

Libido Enhancers

Most of the libido enhancers are manufactured using 100% natural ingredients with no adverse effects.



Guarana in Herbal Aphrodisiacs As a woman, we have it rough, as soon as menopause hits, our libido takes a nosedive and it can be overwhelming not being able to fulfill our sexual needs. Worse still it can lead to your spouse cheating, with younger women whom you cannot compete with.

I was in that precarious situation and after trying several types of aphrodisiacs, I chose to go the herbal way. The best I have found to date has to be the Spanish Fly Pro, which is a natural non-prescription dietary supplement that has been found to enhances sexual arousal in women and the ability to have orgasms.

After more than 20 years of progressing my career, it was getting harder to maintain a work-life balance with a rapidly decreasing sexual drive. The Spanish Fly Pro has guarana as an ingredient and this makes it perfect for not only us women, but also for couples who want to improve their sexual drive for a happy relationship.

Spanish Fly Pro Make Up

The Spanish Fly Pro is a combination of various herbal aphrodisiacs and it has been found to be the best-approved aphrodisiac by the FDA among other agencies.

It is made up of:

  • Guarana – 8%
  • L-Arginine HCI
  • Caffeine
  • Zinc Gluconate
  • Tribulus Terrestris – 60%


The plant that gives us guarana is native to Brazil and it is a dried paste made by crushing the seeds of a woody shrub, and it was named after the Guarani tribe who have are the earliest people to have been found to use the shrub.

The fruits contain as much as 10% caffeine which is higher than what you get in coffee or in tea, and this makes it a more potent CNS stimulant.

Who Ought to Use Guarana

The presence of Tannins and Saponins give guarana muscle relaxation effects as well as skeletal, cardiac, and CNS muscle stimulation. They also help in increasing the secretion of the gastric acid in the stomach. The fruits also contain Saponins and Tannins, which have several other benefits leave alone improving the libido.

Guarana is now an active ingredient in many anti-smoking products, weight loss products, mass gainers, as well as in energy drinks. I still have pains understanding the report by Jesuit Missionaries who say the Guarani used the shrub for an energy boost. It is said the warriors would go for at least 2 days without food, with that in mind, I could not pass up on this amazing and herbal aphrodisiac.

Positive Effects of Using Guarana

Guarana has several factors and despite the increase of synthetic and cheaper aphrodisiacs, it packs several positive benefits to the body and the mind:

  • Reduces stress
  • Boosts weight loss
  • Improved mental health
  • Healthy skin
  • Improved libido
  • Reduces fatigue and gives an energy boost
  • It has anti-cancer effects
  • Oxidizing properties

The above are only a number of the benefits of using guarana, and writing them all will require a whole article. Despite this, guarana has several side effects and it is best to monitor your health regularly.

Side Effects of Using Guarana

I was at a point of desperation before I decided to give herbal aphrodisiac sexual enhancer a try. This blinded me to the several side effects of guarana on your health.

The side effects will depend on the dosage ingested but I did not experience any of these side effects:

  • Increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Stomach irritation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia when taken close to bedtime
  • Diuresis
  • Nervousness and restlessness

Again these are only some of the negative side effects of using the enhancer. For those of us that have reached the terrifying menopause, then guarana is the dietary supplement for you. It will certainly increase your sexual drive and you can live a more contented life.


Guarana has been used for centuries, and only when ingested in the proper dosage, can you get the benefits. However, you ought to avoid taking the herb close to bedtime since the restlessness caused by increased heart rate will cause insomnia.

The Spanish Fly Pro is best taken with red wine although you can take to with any other beverage. I have had a better sex life than I was when I was younger and my husband loves it.

I would recommend the herb to every woman with the mounting pressure to perform in the bedroom.

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